2020: Trump will win again!

In 2016, almost all polls and analysts had the same opinion. They thought that Hilary Clinton will become the President of the United States beating Donald Trump by a great margin. But among the very few were Mr. Feroz Khan, founder of GannAndWaves who predicted that Trump would be the President. And it became true!

Now the next U.S presidential election to be held on the November 3rd stands close to us. There is absolutely no denying that the Democratic nominee Mr. Joe Biden has a good chance to become the President. Joe Biden is the former Vice President and is currently the representative of Democrats in the upcoming elections.

As per some of the most popular polls and analysts, Joe Biden will beat Trump undoubtedly and by a huge margin. But according to GannAndWaves Founder, Mr.Feroz Khan, Donald Trump, representative of the Republican Party and the current President will be chosen the President of America once again.

After analysing the chances of both the candidates deeply, Mr.Khan has placed his bet on Donald Trump once again, who despite trailing Joe Biden has a solid chance of gaining the second term of the Presidency.  According to his prediction, Biden’s chances are remote and it is very likely that Mr.Trump will surpass Biden in the number of votes. His analysis is extremely technical and includes a study of all the recent trends with relation to market, Government and the U.S population.

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1 Comment

  1. Gannadwave

    November 8, 2020

    My prediction gone wrong this time, Yes Trump lost


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